If you accept your loan offer and then change your mind, you may still be able to cancel!

Loans can typically be canceled up to 24 hours after acceptance. As long as you request to cancel in a timely manner, we should be able to assist you. Fees will no longer apply if you choose to cancel.

Please do not pay back your loan if you are trying to cancel. We are not able to cancel a loan once it is being paid back and all applicable fees will apply to a loan that is paid back.

Here's how canceling a loan works:

  • The money is deposited into your account (We have to wait until it is successfully deposited because sometimes the deposit is unsuccessful... We don't want to take money from your account if you never received money from us in the first place!)
  • A transaction is set up to reverse the deposit and pull the money back out of your account
  • Once the money is successfully received on our end, we will cancel the loan record

If you don't have sufficient funds in your account to cover the reversal and we are not able to successfully recover the money from your account, the loan will be treated as active and all fees will apply.

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